Summer Carp Bait And Top Fishing Secrets!

Revealed here is a taste of powerful edges that you can exploit to catch many times more fish including far more big fish too! Summer means raised fish activity and faster metabolism and digestion and we can exploit fish behaviours through the manipulation of very special bait substances added to any ready made bait or included within homemade baits. It is often not simply what you use but how you use it that makes a massive difference to your catch rates!

You probably use ready made baits most of the time, but maybe hope to find little edges of your own to make them perform that bit better, or maybe you are keen to make your own homemade baits that will out-fish readymade baits. Most anglers use ready made boilies or pellets for example in very similar ways in summer or winter. Most anglers seem to think like anglers instead of like carp and this is just one factor I have noticed over my 30 plus years fishing for big carp. Yet thinking like carp is the key to greatest success!

So how does this type of thinking produce greatest success in terms of using baits and bait substances that make a far greater impact upon fish feeding and even powerfully conditioning fish uniquely onto your baits as opposed to competing baits? There is an angler who has promoted himself very widely in many angling publications etc named Ian Chillcott. He is an angler who is not exactly that sophisticated when it comes to bait, and what I infer here is that he tends to use ready made bait supplied by bait companies and puts his faith in their knowledge, experience and insights about substances and how they manipulate and exploit fish sensory systems, and many other factors.

Many people follow this and other high profile anglers by copying their every word but the bigger picture is what really matters. Experience counts for much in fishing, but to put blind faith in something you do not truly understand is simply not the best route to the greatest results. You can put blind faith in bait and then never know just how much better you can achieve, even if your readymade baits appear to be successful! When an angler gives up using boilies and starts using maggots it is a sure sign they do not know how to make bait substances beat maggots, because after maggots have ejected their ammonia and have inevitably slowed their movements and drowned they have very little stimulation and attraction left to offer compared to a far superior purpose designed homemade bait within reach of anyone with enough of the right knowledge as you will discover for yourself!

Most average anglers simply do not realise that they can catch at least 4 times as many fish if they truly understood fish externally and internally and understood far more about the fact that fish are literally bathed at all times in an electrically charged solution to which they are acutely attuned and are sensitized to tiny changes occurring which may offer a vast array of potential food opportunities or threats!

Any heated bait that breaks down into solution by perhaps 12 to 18 hours, 24 hours or longer is not optimised bait at all. Think about it. Fish are surrounded by a multitude of substances in solution all the time. This may be regarded as smoke or background clutter that can mask potential impacts of many of your bait substances leaching from your readymade baits. For example there is dissolved ammonia (ammonium) leaching from decaying leaves and other detritus (or chod,) there are minerals and so on in solution in the water that actually in effect turn lake water etc into an electrolyte. This is important to realise as you can manipulate and exploit this in your own ways!

Then you have all the wriggling moving and live organisms in the water, perhaps zooplankton in the top and middle layers of the water, and of course all the various forms of algeas that colour the water and bloom in warmer temperatures, but which are the incredibly nutritionally rich basic food source of carp besides the minerals they absorb through their skin from the water surrounding them, plus other sources etc.

Many anglers doing fancy articles describing typical chod rigs and stiff rigs with perfectly round pop up boilies in clear water tanks have most likely forgotten that in most feeding situations the fanning of the water by carp clouds the water in the immediate vicinity of baits. Even in the clearer water and over the cleaner gravel bottom of Horseshoe Lake where the under water Korda videos were filmed you can see that the fish feeding on the free baits cloud up the water immediately around baits.

Now here is just little tip just to show you how to think like a fish and exploit this to your unique advantage. Thus far I have painted a picture of how fish live in a world that is constantly changing where the changing levels of dissolved carbon dioxide, (carbonic acid) and different levels of amines and other acids and alkaline substances, mineral salts and so on are all being detected by carp senses by all their sensory systems simultaneously. It is vitally important to exploit as many sensory systems as possible simultaneously in order to fully overcome natural fish caution, and doing this correctly in effect makes your baits addictive and strongly habit forming.

I know of no ready made bait that actually does this adequately, which is why it is possible for anyone to out-fish any ready made bait by making uniquely potently active (and biologically active,) unusually water reactive, highly soluble homemade baits. I have been a field tester for many companies over the years, Rod Hutchinson included. I am a consultant for CC Moore and other bait companies so I have been able to develop some pretty deep insights into the actual comparative performance of ready made baits and individual bait substances applied in a variety of unusual ways.

My specialty is homemade baits of very unusual and surprisingly creative formats and designs made very differently to those advertised in flashy magazines. Some my homemade baits are extremely work intensive and take layer upon layer of preparation and practical processing to achieve the desired active and bioactive effects on carp and desired optimum concentrated levels of bait substances in solution. I have still to find a ready made bait I cannot top in terms of potency of impacts by leveraging and harnessing water reactivity. Making baits react with water so that they impact on carp senses and biological systems in simultaneous ways to the degree that these completely alter fish behaviours and modes of feeding in your unique favour is the goal. water soluble bag manufacturers

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