Selecting a Fire Pump Manufacturer

A fire pump Manufacturer provides pumps for a variety of applications. They are known for their advanced technology, diverse product range and global support capabilities. This ensures the safety of people and property during firefighting operations. They also ensure that their products are backed up by quality and performance.

Choosing the right fire pump for your system is a critical process. It’s important to select a pump that has been tested to UL and FM standards and has a certified factory test curve available. These curves help determine the rated point of a fire pump and the nozzle pressure required for a specific application. The rated point will also be a key factor for the insurer or Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

A few items to consider when selecting a fire pump include the motor horsepower and nozzle pressure. It’s also important to know if the fire pump requires an isolated supply transformer. If it does, you’ll want to have that in place so the motor won’t be subject to locked rotor current. Otherwise, you’ll be saving the fire pump but losing your facility.

Lastly, you’ll want to make sure the fire pump shaft is designed properly. UL and FM guidelines outline specifications for the maximum shear stress, torsional shearing stress and dynamic shaft deflection. The design should also include stuffing boxes that utilize compression packing and are water-sealed at the suction end of the pump. These measures protect the pump from hydraulic shock and ensure that any resulting failures are limited.

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