How to Find a Carer

Finding the right carer is a difficult task, especially when the care receiver has not been used to having an attendant in their home. They may be resistant at first and may say things like “I don’t want someone in my house”. Reassure them that if they are given a chance to build a trusting relationship with the attendant then they will eventually become more comfortable with having them around.

There are agencies that can help you arrange private care, or you may be eligible for respite support (also known as short breaks) from your local authority and in this case some of the preliminary work may be done for you. This can include carrying out references and providing training. You will still need to take on the legal responsibilities of employing someone, though and you will also have to make provision for holidays and sickness.

When interviewing a potential carer, you should start by asking for a resume and contacting their references. If possible it is a good idea to have the care receiver present for the interview, and sometimes other family members or friends too.

Other important points to consider are whether the aide has a driving license and if they will be required to travel. Some aides can only provide support within a specific area. You will also need to decide on what other services you would like them to provide, such as cooking, shopping or taking the care receiver to appointments. Find a Carer

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